Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an initial consultation cost and what takes place?

Financial Planning is about more than money, it’s about life and seeing the bigger picture.
That’s why your initial consultation is Obligation Free.

During our first meeting, our purpose is to identify what your needs are, and whether we can satisfy your objectives.
Once Alex has a better understanding of you, your circumstances and what you need, he will prepare a tailored package that offers you the most value.

What can I expect as a client?

Alex will always act in your best interests, ensuring you understand all the advice he’s offering so you feel in control of your financial decisions.

Your time will always be valued by Alex and his team and your broader, long-term interests and likely circumstances of the advice we offer will always be factored in.

The advice Alex offers is validated by his prestigious qualifications and his ability to creatively think, assess and strategise on a clients best interests.

How much are ongoing advice fees?

This will depend on the complexity of services and strategies required, as well as what life stage you are in.

Because Alex does not offer a “cookie cutter” service, each client is assessed individually, and he will always let you know any associated costs after your meeting.

Some advice does not require ongoing advice fees.

Why do I need a Financial Advisor?

We don’t plan to fail, but we can fail to plan.

Often the case during our initial consultations, clients have tried to manage their financial interests themselves, but it is often time intensive and can become overwhelming as time passes and paperwork builds up.

Financial Planning has layers of complexity and understanding, which will not be efficiently utilised without a skilled and qualified Financial Planning team behind you.

Do you offer holistic Financial Advice?

If this is what you would specifically like. however, we find that clients tend to want and benefit from advice in specific areas.

This is when we will “scope” your advice to meet your current objectives at the time. Maybe this is to provide appropriate insurance cover or maybe to find you a more appropriate Superannuation for your retirement plan.

As your objectives change and evolve over time, so will our advice.

How do I get started?

First, let’s get to know each other and better understand your current circumstances so that we can learn what you would like to achieve for your financial goals.

To start, you can click the “Book a Consultation” button at the top of this page, or CLICK HERE.